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13212015-11-03How to extract random lines containing specified words?Text file parser3031
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3332
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation3114
12412014-09-03How to shuffle all paragraphs and remove all paragraphs with less than 30 words?Replace text in multiple files3301
12102014-06-30How to re-arrange lines with in a specified number of lines?Text sort3990
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3318
11822014-03-04How to shuffle all elements in a specified range in text file?Advanced search and replace3446
11812014-03-03How to shuffle all lines of text in specified range?Advanced search and replace3504
11642013-12-28How to randomly delete x number of lines from text inside and outside brackets?Advanced search and replace3690
11572013-12-10How to randomly delete some percent of lines that don't have bracket?Text file parser3250
11562013-12-09How to remove lines that contain some words base on percentages?Text file parser3227
11252013-09-04How to create a text file by choosing N random lines from each of many files?Text merge4051
10982013-07-09How to insert random lines from one file into another file at random points? Advanced search and replace3192
10682013-03-28How to randomly select 2~5 lines and append a string at end?Random word generator3432
10342012-12-18How to merge unique lines found in File A with the text of File B?Text merge3918
10262012-11-21How to distribute 6 numbers into multiple lines randomly?Random word generator3644
10132012-10-07How to join every sequential line with a random line in a text file?Text merge4270
9892012-08-12After each line, how to insert 1-10 random lines from other files?Text merge4182
9642012-06-28How to extract 3 lines from each file randomly?Random word generator3746
9352012-04-11How to extract half of lines from a text file randomly?Random word generator4059
9332012-03-30How to replace or remove 3 lines randomly in a text file?Random word generator3973
8742011-10-14How to merge content of column "A" if columns "B" and "C" are duplicate?Text merge3757
8132011-06-30How to shuffle specified lines in multiple text files?Advanced search and replace4357
7632011-04-12How to extract 5 unique lines from a text file with 30 lines?Random word generator3991
4062010-01-29How to sort all the lines of a text file randomly?Random word generator4609

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