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7232011-02-21How to make column merge for files in two folders?Text merge3842
762008-05-11How to split a single line into many lines, keep two words for each line?Text file splitter4185
14242018-10-09How to find sentences that match Chinese(UTF-8 encoding) characters?Text file parser2021
10462013-01-24How to extract all proper names and nouns that start with an upper case letter?Text file parser3869
5542010-07-04How to parse all text between two words and put "@" between results?Text file parser2718
13462016-02-21How to calculate time difference of two adjacent and matched lines?Text data calculation2453
13422016-02-16How to make a subtraction of the specified time string?Text data calculation2378
13322015-12-17How to compare and get the difference between numbers of two file?Text data calculation2732
6392010-10-26How to generate EMA columns and related STD of close value from stock data?Text data calculation3160
6302010-10-14How to calculate CFMO 15 and CFMO 21 from csv file of stock data?Text data calculation3207
5532010-07-03How to calculate Elder's Force Index (EFI) and related MA, EMA for stock data?Text data calculation3494
5252010-06-03How to calculate OBV(On Balance Volume) base on stock data?Text data calculation3595
12652014-11-26How to search and replace multiple file with multiple regex rules?Regular expression replace3098
10792013-05-09How to remove everything after the second specified keywords in each line?Regular expression replace4204
9942012-08-20How to rename mp3 files by exchanging artist and name part?Batch file rename3487
14132017-12-31How to replace text conditionally with custom dictionary?Advanced search and replace3223
14092017-12-10How to highlight words appeared in same line in another file?Advanced search and replace2576
14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2245
13992017-08-12How to merge lines with identical first row in two files?Advanced search and replace2374
13642016-04-23How to remove lines containing specified words in a text file?Advanced search and replace3244
13532016-03-16How to format an English article will specified rules?Advanced search and replace2245
13262015-11-21How to substract one csv file from another according to value of column A?Advanced search and replace2666
12392014-09-01How to replace string in the Nth file with the Nth strings from a list?Advanced search and replace2862
11862014-03-17How to delete all columns with more than 8 words in text file?Advanced search and replace2942
11632013-12-25How to split one line into two lines from middle?Advanced search and replace3108
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