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14652022-03-31How to calculate each number in a line with different formula?Text data calculation3024
14112017-12-12How to generate a list of sentences from template sentence?Text generator3777
13592016-04-08How to exchange line3 and line4 in 4-line-groups matching specified pattern?Advanced search and replace2547
13542016-03-19How to copy same lines and combine different lines from 2 files?Text merge2982
11282013-09-11How to delete line with specific columns in specific range?Advanced search and replace3162
11012013-07-10How to generate files from template file, where some variables come from a list?Text generator3776
10302012-12-03How to replace specified occurrance of some string to a list of words?Advanced search and replace3016
7572011-04-02How to convert date format from "March 9, 2009 at 4:26pm" to defined format?Advanced search and replace3235
7512011-03-27How to batch append the columns of file A and B if third columns are identical?Advanced search and replace3378
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace3024
3342009-05-20How to merge two text file base on the value of first column and do sort?Text merge4573

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