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14522020-03-25How to generate all possible combinations between AAAA-0000 to ZZZZ-9999?Text generator3407
14112017-12-12How to generate a list of sentences from template sentence?Text generator3752
13822016-11-04How to replace a string with one of the specified words randomly in multiple files?Random word generator3200
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3297
13102015-07-14How to generate required format with given words in each line?Text generator3129
13092015-07-01How to randomly replace each word with a list of pre-defined words?Random word generator3088
11382013-09-25How to generate full combinations of "a b" where a and b are from 2 different files?Text generator3392
11062013-07-16How to auto generate required url from list of words?Text generator3442
11012013-07-10How to generate files from template file, where some variables come from a list?Text generator3748
10952013-07-04How to create files from template where filenames and keywords come from a list?Text generator3440
10852013-06-07How to generate a list with random numbers between 10 and 70?Random word generator3621
9642012-06-28How to extract 3 lines from each file randomly?Random word generator3706
9572012-06-07How to replace some text with a random line from another file?Random word generator3915
9332012-03-30How to replace or remove 3 lines randomly in a text file?Random word generator3911
9282012-03-20How to randomly replace one line from line 7 to line 10 with the same numbers of -?Random word generator3613
8982011-12-20How to generate a csv file from a template file and a list of words?Text generator3855
7852011-05-21How to change the word "good" to one of its synonyms randomly in a text file?Random word generator3229
7792011-05-13How to simulate a Lucky Draw program to pop-up names in random order?Random word generator3719
7782011-05-11How to remove around 1/2 lines randomly from a large text files?Random word generator3168
7012011-01-19How to generate 100 random words with number, lower case letter and underscore?Random word generator4879
6222010-09-30How to generate the full list of 2 letter combinations?Random word generator3980
6142010-09-18How to duplicate column A by the number of times in column B in csv file?Text generator3231
5392010-06-18How to batch replace the word COLOR with one of the color name randomly?Random word generator4249
5382010-06-17How to simulate the specified BER(bit error rate) on text file with 0 and 1 only?Random word generator3003
4932010-04-30How to batch generate IP address list that like real IP addresses randomly?Random word generator5645
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