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13992017-08-12How to merge lines with identical first row in two files?Advanced search and replace2563
13772016-08-07How to replace the quoted text with lines from another file?Advanced search and replace3167
13662016-05-23How to count the number of specified part in each line?Count and statistics3019
13542016-03-19How to copy same lines and combine different lines from 2 files?Text merge2989
13532016-03-16How to format an English article will specified rules?Advanced search and replace2420
13422016-02-16How to make a subtraction of the specified time string?Text data calculation2592
13172015-09-02How to generate all palindromic prime with specified length? Text generator2991
13012015-04-25How to extract from a file according to content of another file?Advanced search and replace3024
12962015-04-13How to batch rename files to the first date found in the files?Batch file rename3305
12562014-09-29How to update values in xml file according to values from another xml?Advanced search and replace2866
12302014-08-09How to fill in one xml file with elements from another xml file?Advanced search and replace2929
12022014-05-05How to extract all lines in which first 2 columns are identical?Text file parser3282
11862014-03-17How to delete all columns with more than 8 words in text file?Advanced search and replace3135
11842014-03-10How to delete or copy text that match specified pattern of html tag?Text file parser3278
10792013-05-09How to remove everything after the second specified keywords in each line?Regular expression replace4444
9582012-06-10How to batch rename PDF files with the date inside the file?Batch file rename5052
9522012-05-26How to remove first 8 rows and extract column 5 and 8 into different files?Text file parser3495
7502011-03-27How to append the second columns of file A and B if first columns are identical?Text file splitter3424
7232011-02-21How to make column merge for files in two folders?Text merge4034
6712010-12-04How to compare two folders and merge files which have same file names by column?Text merge3759
6602010-11-21How to merge two or more files which have same file names?Text merge4283
6442010-10-31How to combine 2 lists of numbers into 2 columns repeatly?Advanced search and replace3303
5002010-05-07How to merge two or more csv files with different columns into one file?Text merge4951
3342009-05-20How to merge two text file base on the value of first column and do sort?Text merge4582

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