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14602021-04-24How to add capitalized filename into beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files2711
13562016-03-22How to combine multiple pairs of text files line by line?Text merge3340
13212015-11-03How to extract random lines containing specified words?Text file parser2989
12932015-04-06How to move the specified line to the end in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files2945
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation3073
12352014-08-23How to batch insert part of the filename into the file content?Replace text in multiple files3293
11092013-07-19For each word in list, how to extract all lines contain the word and save to word.txt?Text file parser3426
11082013-07-19How to extract all lines that contain specified words or phrases?Text file parser5500
10912013-07-01How to batch insert filename at start/beginning of each lines?Advanced search and replace3583
9892012-08-12After each line, how to insert 1-10 random lines from other files?Text merge4136
9772012-07-23How to make random line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3841
9452012-05-14How to insert a text file into the beginning of multiple text files?Replace text in multiple files4133
9152012-02-07How to remove duplicate sentences across many articles in different files?Replace text in multiple files5266
9142012-02-06How to remove duplicate lines in multiple files in different sub-folders?Replace text in multiple files5207
8622011-09-27How to remove all the lines appeared in file B,C,D from file A?Replace text in multiple files3408
8182011-07-08How to add a timestamp at the beginning of multiple text files?Replace text in multiple files3377
8162011-07-06How to insert 100 different lines into the beginning of 100 text files?Replace text in multiple files5216
6982011-01-13How to convert many text files from encoding utf8 to utf8-BOM?Character encoding16548
6672010-11-29How to move the last line to the beginning for multiple text files?Replace text in multiple files4368
5232010-05-31How to change multiple files, adding filename at the beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files4776
4342010-02-27How to replace one content of same files with different contents ?Replace text in multiple files4256
3212009-03-18How to search hundreds of xml files for a list of numbers, find out which file contains which number?Replace text in multiple files3762
2492008-08-14How to batch insert the filename into the beginning of the file conent?Advanced search and replace5396
2212008-07-13How to batch add utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace5973
2202008-07-12How to batch strip(remove) utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace8848

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