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14632022-01-12How to delete specified consecutive chars leading each line?Advanced search and replace2967
14592021-03-08How to group text by specified number of lines and apply with specified format?Advanced search and replace2864
14562021-02-16How to delete blocks of text containing a specified string?Advanced search and replace1709
14532020-05-08How to move and rename files from multiple folder with specified order?Batch file rename2992
14452019-10-10How to move strings matching specified patterns?Regular expression replace2618
14412019-08-05How to replace specified lines with each line from a file respectively?Advanced search and replace2279
14382019-06-24How to extract specified text from pdf files?Advanced search and replace2152
14302018-12-18How to split a text file according to specified tags?Text file splitter2452
14232018-10-07How to fit template file with specified html in same folder?Advanced search and replace2001
14172018-05-01How to make lines with specified string lowercase in a bunch of text files?Replace text in multiple files2633
14042017-10-09How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of specified column?Advanced search and replace3438
14012017-08-21How to sort specified items descendingly in each line?Advanced search and replace2891
14002017-08-18How to find numbers in specified location and sort them?Advanced search and replace2621
13962017-07-27How to extract all lines by specified words in group?Advanced search and replace2567
13952017-06-29How to find out all specified keywords from a file? Advanced search and replace2886
13902017-02-18How to split a text file with specified start and end line and name?Text file splitter3569
13852016-12-26How to extract specified columns from blocks of text?Text file parser3082
13832016-11-15How to find files with specified encoding and convert to utf8?Character encoding3924
13822016-11-04How to replace a string with one of the specified words randomly in multiple files?Random word generator3200
13792016-09-24How to pick up lines containing specified suffix from many files in a folder?Text file parser2859
13732016-06-13How to extract lines containg specified words from many files?Text file parser3409
13662016-05-23How to count the number of specified part in each line?Count and statistics2975
13642016-04-23How to remove lines containing specified words in a text file?Advanced search and replace3408
13592016-04-08How to exchange line3 and line4 in 4-line-groups matching specified pattern?Advanced search and replace2518
13532016-03-16How to format an English article will specified rules?Advanced search and replace2390
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