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14552020-12-17How to batch combine multiple files into single files?Replace text in multiple files1968
14412019-08-05How to replace specified lines with each line from a file respectively?Advanced search and replace2298
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2459
13942017-06-16How to delete all the lines with the '*' char?Regular expression replace2924
13322015-12-17How to compare and get the difference between numbers of two file?Text data calculation2939
13262015-11-21How to substract one csv file from another according to value of column A?Advanced search and replace2834
13042015-05-03How to replace the User-Defined lines of A text from B text?Advanced search and replace2782
12772015-01-26How to find out in each line which words in the list appear?Advanced search and replace2807
12762015-01-06How to replace strings in one file with words from another file sequentially?Advanced search and replace3032
12702014-12-08How to run a 3rd party application on multiple files?Replace text in multiple files2875
12632014-11-08How to get a N*M lines file, given a N-line file and a M-line file?Text generator3010
12482014-09-12How to extract all lines that contain specific words in a file?Text file parser3714
12362014-08-25How to replace accented characters in text file with non accented equivalents?Advanced search and replace2981
12322014-08-16How to find from an article all words not appeared in a word list?Text file parser3433
12282014-08-06How to extract all lines that contain words in a list?Text file parser3605
12192014-07-26How to extract all lines do not contain a list of keywords?Text file parser3057
11342013-09-20How to merge columns of 2 files with the same name in different folder?Text merge3991
10962013-07-06How to replace strings with words in a list in sequence or randomly?Advanced search and replace3362
10672013-03-25How to search specific strings and save each instance into a text file?Text file parser3494
10582013-02-25How do I insert different pieces of text between successive paragraphs?Advanced search and replace3269
10532013-02-12How to convert list of words found in a text to all UPPER CASE?Advanced search and replace3147
10412012-12-25How to change "|" to slash and double backslash alternatively?Advanced search and replace2901
9952012-08-21How to merge lines with previous lines that ended with backslash?Regular expression replace3995
9842012-08-04How to extract all lines containing words in specified file?Text file parser4936
9772012-07-23How to make random line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3873
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