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14532020-05-08How to move and rename files from multiple folder with specified order?Batch file rename3040
14442019-10-04How to remove duplicate words within col 1 in tab separated file?Advanced search and replace2097
13382016-01-27How to remove sentence fragments from File A based on list in File B?Advanced search and replace2246
13272015-12-01How to set column N according to some words in column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2831
13242015-11-16How to convert invalid charcters in csv file?Character encoding3208
11782014-02-19How to replace a word/string with increasing number in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3589
11642013-12-28How to randomly delete x number of lines from text inside and outside brackets?Advanced search and replace3679
11572013-12-10How to randomly delete some percent of lines that don't have bracket?Text file parser3241
10882013-06-21How to append strings between h2 tags to the end of multiple filename?Batch file rename3511
10562013-02-17How to change the order of comma delimited sentence fragments randomly?Text sort3809
9522012-05-26How to remove first 8 rows and extract column 5 and 8 into different files?Text file parser3485
9152012-02-07How to remove duplicate sentences across many articles in different files?Replace text in multiple files5293
9142012-02-06How to remove duplicate lines in multiple files in different sub-folders?Replace text in multiple files5243
9102012-01-28How to search and replace multiple files with rules different in sequence number?Replace text in multiple files3463
5042010-05-09How do I replace all the tags
in many html files?
Replace text in multiple files3448
5032010-05-09How to batch rename html files to the content that between a pair of h2 tags?Batch file rename4263
4962010-05-03How to do simple encryption of a text file by letter to letter remapping?Advanced search and replace3372
4512010-03-18How to replace bytes in the specific postion of many binary files?Search replace binary4336
692008-05-08How to batch remove/delete one blank line between each two lines in text file?Advanced search and replace4971

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