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13662016-05-23How to count the number of specified part in each line?Count and statistics3003
13592016-04-08How to exchange line3 and line4 in 4-line-groups matching specified pattern?Advanced search and replace2540
13472016-02-22How to count the consecutive lines with the same pattern?Count and statistics3024
12852015-03-09How to rename files in batch download?Batch download3148
12382014-08-25How to add sequence number for duplicated line?Advanced search and replace2927
12252014-08-02How to replace a repeated string in unsequenced order?Advanced search and replace2884
11992014-04-30How to replace the second column of a file with an increasing number?Advanced search and replace3192
11782014-02-19How to replace a word/string with increasing number in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3583
11252013-09-04How to create a text file by choosing N random lines from each of many files?Text merge4028
11162013-08-15How to generate a list of web pages with 2 numbers increased in sequence?Text generator3457
10152012-10-16How to add a specified value to the sequence number in each line?Advanced search and replace3222
9252012-03-03How to generate a list of strings with sequence id decreased?Text generator3981
9102012-01-28How to search and replace multiple files with rules different in sequence number?Replace text in multiple files3457
8582011-09-20How to replace a word/string with increasing sequence number in a text file?Advanced search and replace4412
7042011-01-24How to remove the sequence number before each line of text file?Regular expression replace3831
5902010-08-16How to change the even sequence id of the comma to space in each line?Advanced search and replace2880
5762010-07-29How to add sequence number for each non-blank line of a text file?Advanced search and replace3799
5582010-07-07How to parse all the fields in different segment from a text file?Text file parser3502
5552010-07-04How to replace all the symbol @ with sequence number that started from 1?Advanced search and replace2820
5522010-07-01How to batch rename files by generating a random word that in the list?Batch file rename4076
4242010-02-18How to remove partially duplicated lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace4566
4222010-02-16How to batch rename files with the first word of file contents?Batch file rename4477
3202009-03-09How can I rename some files with increasing sequence id starting from 302, and 303, 304 ,...Batch file rename3812
3002008-11-27How to replace all "ID" in following xml file with increased ID?Advanced search and replace2835
2762008-10-01How to batch rename picture files to the data and time of the pictures?Batch file rename4387
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