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14672024-01-11How to get content between a pair of nearest ab bc?Advanced search and replace1765
14442019-10-04How to remove duplicate words within col 1 in tab separated file?Advanced search and replace2090
14322019-01-08How to generate multiple copies of each line with different values? Advanced search and replace2804
14122017-12-28How to sort text separated by semicolon from shortest to longest?Text sort3310
13742016-06-20How to add a
at the end of each paragraph?
Advanced search and replace2837
13682016-05-23How to extract and join first words from adjacent lines?Text file parser2956
13672016-05-23How to extract different part from adjacent lines?Text file parser2734
13512016-03-07How to split English sentence and Chinese sentence into different lines?Advanced search and replace3191
13492016-03-01How to copy the 2nd column to 4th column if 4th column is empty?Advanced search and replace2493
13442016-02-16How to remove all hyphens after the first tab in each line?Advanced search and replace2528
13362016-01-13How to attach column 8 to column2 except line 1 in a tab separated file?Advanced search and replace2596
13352016-01-13How to replace the second column in a tab seperated file?Advanced search and replace2605
13262015-11-21How to substract one csv file from another according to value of column A?Advanced search and replace2834
13192015-10-18How to remove the first occurrance of duplicated words in each line?Advanced search and replace2471
13012015-04-25How to extract from a file according to content of another file?Advanced search and replace3012
12952015-04-10How to delete all lines containing specific word in specific column?Advanced search and replace2997
12902015-03-25How to mark out lines that do not match pre-defined condition? Advanced search and replace2480
12842015-03-04How to import a list of rules to replace multiple files?Regular expression replace3324
12762015-01-06How to replace strings in one file with words from another file sequentially?Advanced search and replace3032
12442014-09-06How to batch calculate numbers and make the result divisible by 5?Text data calculation3360
11922014-04-07How to extract lines that matching the list of russian speaking names?Text file parser3123
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3292
11752014-02-17How to sort randomly(shuffle) all paragraphs that separated by ## in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3065
11632013-12-25How to split one line into two lines from middle?Advanced search and replace3325
11312013-09-13How to replace certain column from different files? Text merge3948
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