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14472019-11-02How to split/parse lines into sentences outside two delimiters?Text file parser2621
14412019-08-05How to replace specified lines with each line from a file respectively?Advanced search and replace2312
14382019-06-24How to extract specified text from pdf files?Advanced search and replace2187
14292018-11-22How to extract and format sentences matching given word list?Advanced search and replace2487
14242018-10-09How to find sentences that match Chinese(UTF-8 encoding) characters?Text file parser2215
14112017-12-12How to generate a list of sentences from template sentence?Text generator3786
14102017-12-11How to change network configuration files automatically?Advanced search and replace3046
14092017-12-10How to highlight words appeared in same line in another file?Advanced search and replace2740
13762016-07-24How to extract all lines not containing 'ing' and 'and'?Text file parser3244
13512016-03-07How to split English sentence and Chinese sentence into different lines?Advanced search and replace3204
13382016-01-27How to remove sentence fragments from File A based on list in File B?Advanced search and replace2249
12962015-04-13How to batch rename files to the first date found in the files?Batch file rename3305
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3472
12082014-06-19How to extract sentences that contain specified words from UTF8 file?Advanced search and replace3188
11192013-08-25How to add a blank line after last sentence of paragraph?Regular expression replace3908
11172013-08-22How to randomly select one line from each paragraph?Text file parser3504
11152013-08-13How to remove all paragraphs(lines) that only contain single sentence?Replace text in multiple files3454
10642013-03-14How to add in different sentences after the different lines?Advanced search and replace3583
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace3136
10562013-02-17How to change the order of comma delimited sentence fragments randomly?Text sort3819
10312012-12-07How to insert lines between sentences with specified order?Text merge4140
10002012-09-04How to extract all sentences that contain special keyword from multiple articles?Text file parser4381
9782012-07-23How to reverse order of sentence clauses and words delimited by specified chars?Advanced search and replace3214
9152012-02-07How to remove duplicate sentences across many articles in different files?Replace text in multiple files5302
8532011-09-12How to replace all duplicate lines with some text?Advanced search and replace3978
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