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14652022-03-31How to calculate each number in a line with different formula?Text data calculation3024
14642022-01-22How to calculate one column base on value of another column?Text data calculation3074
12442014-09-06How to batch calculate numbers and make the result divisible by 5?Text data calculation3365
12262014-08-05How to calculate the average of the numbers in the same column?Text data calculation3163
11392013-09-28How to divide each column by the first number?Advanced search and replace3139
11002013-07-10How to calculate the sum of the numbers in the same column?Text data calculation3422
10412012-12-25How to change "|" to slash and double backslash alternatively?Advanced search and replace2908
9302012-03-26How to multiply every number by 1000 in a text file?Text data calculation5072
8362011-08-11How to calculate the number of days between every two adjacent dates?Advanced search and replace3186
8192011-07-12How to calculate the average of all numbers that preceded by dollar sign?Text data calculation3191
6792010-12-19How to calculate the summary of all numbers in multiple files?Text data calculation3996
6652010-11-26How to calculate the absolute average value of every 2 columns?Text data calculation3500
6302010-10-14How to calculate CFMO 15 and CFMO 21 from csv file of stock data?Text data calculation3370
6042010-09-02How to calculate SUM of EMAs and Covariance of close value from stock data?Text data calculation3197
6022010-08-30How to calculate the summaries of different EMA based on close values in stock?Text data calculation3416
5822010-08-06How to calculate Williams %R from stock data?Text data calculation3902
5732010-07-26How to calculate the area automatically given a list of radius of a circle?Text data calculation2797
5532010-07-03How to calculate Elder's Force Index (EFI) and related MA, EMA for stock data?Text data calculation3648
5332010-06-12How to calculate Acc/Dis, OBV and related MA values of stock data?Text data calculation3397
5282010-06-07How to calculate Acc/Dis and corresponding 24 days' MA base on stock data?Text data calculation3413
5262010-06-04How to add a column of Close Location Value("CLV") on stock data?Text data calculation3381
5252010-06-03How to calculate OBV(On Balance Volume) base on stock data?Text data calculation3749
2072008-06-30How to removing all leading zeros in a text file containing many numbers?Advanced search and replace2958
1442008-05-22Can I make statistics of each lines, tell how many times the digit of '1' to '5' are appeared?Count and statistics3028

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