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882008-05-12How to make an http address list with increasing ID?Advanced search and replace3222
742008-05-09How to convert binary data in many text file to hexdecimal data?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3913
732008-05-09How to rename file by sequence id with specified pre-defined order?Batch file rename3451
702008-05-08How to add specified text to the begin and end of many text files?Advanced search and replace4462
692008-05-08How to batch remove/delete one blank line between each two lines in text file?Advanced search and replace4800
672008-05-07How to extract text like
from a group of html files, and save all the result to a file?
Text file parser3787
462007-11-24Need to convert html file to text file, removing html tags and all style/script blocks, etc.Html text generator4164
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