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14372019-03-04How to remove phrases not containing any dictionary word?Advanced search and replace2739
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2688
11902014-03-30How to multiply numeric values within defined criteria in given text?Advanced search and replace3040
9202012-02-13How to add 0 before all 4 digit numbers in multiple filenames?Batch file rename4729
8882011-11-17How to remove all lines that contain one or more words in a list?Advanced search and replace4121
7662011-04-18How to batch rename files by replacing semicolon with a single dot?Batch file rename4013
7422011-03-21How to batch rename files replacing a hex epoch time with human translated time? Batch file rename3899
7252011-02-25How to batch rename files by replacing all spaces with underscore?Batch file rename5966
4792010-04-16How to batch/bulk rename files by replacing 0-9 to A-J accordingly?Batch file rename3202
3752009-12-27How to batch rename files by replacing all initial letter of 'S' with 'N' ?Batch file rename3330
1472008-05-22Is there a way to make word editing automatically, such as adding a "!" after each word?Advanced search and replace3183

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