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14702024-03-16Convert normal characters to html entity nameAdvanced search and replace1841
14072017-12-08How to replace a list of words with one single word?Regular expression replace3090
13922017-04-14How to extract tables from many html files into one csv file?Text file parser3422
13822016-11-04How to replace a string with one of the specified words randomly in multiple files?Random word generator3238
13772016-08-07How to replace the quoted text with lines from another file?Advanced search and replace3167
13222015-11-07How to remove all but first lines whose second column is bigger than 6?Advanced search and replace2522
13192015-10-18How to remove the first occurrance of duplicated words in each line?Advanced search and replace2486
13102015-07-14How to generate required format with given words in each line?Text generator3174
12842015-03-04How to import a list of rules to replace multiple files?Regular expression replace3336
12812015-02-22How to make following multiple rules replacement?Regular expression replace3091
12652014-11-26How to search and replace multiple file with multiple regex rules?Regular expression replace3462
11652013-12-29How to replace the 4th column if the 5th column is 0?Advanced search and replace3275
11622013-12-24How to replace everything outside brackets with lines from another file?Advanced search and replace3448
10962013-07-06How to replace strings with words in a list in sequence or randomly?Advanced search and replace3371
10712013-04-13How to replace content of many files with text from a template file?Advanced search and replace3874
10582013-02-25How do I insert different pieces of text between successive paragraphs?Advanced search and replace3280
3942010-01-15How can I make a series of replacements in an automated fashion?Replace text in multiple files3391
3672009-12-15How can I replace the 3rd lines of many files to a fixed string?Replace text in multiple files3285
3542009-09-23How to replace the second character of every line to 4 in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3416
3312009-05-15How to find and replace multiple line text?Replace text in multiple files3927
3162009-02-11What is the possible cause of file being truncated and very slow replacement?Advanced search and replace2916
2932008-11-08How to make multi-word replacement with a mapping list?Advanced search and replace3559
2842008-10-20How to remove all single line breaks, and replace 2 or more consecutive line breaks with one?Advanced search and replace2933
2612008-08-29Can Replace Pioneer provide a prompt to confirm yes or not for each text replacement?Advanced search and replace2929
2222008-07-13How to handle conditional text replacement with 'if' and 'else' branches?Advanced search and replace3637
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