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11632013-12-25How to split one line into two lines from middle?Advanced search and replace3108
11612013-12-20How to merge odd lines from file1 and even lines from file2?Text merge3919
11572013-12-10How to randomly delete some percent of lines that don't have bracket?Text file parser3043
11562013-12-09How to remove lines that contain some words base on percentages?Text file parser3033
11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3181
11542013-12-05How to randomly deletes x number of lines from text files?Advanced search and replace3246
11522013-12-04How to randomly insert a word or phrase x number of times into text files?Advanced search and replace3036
11512013-12-04How to extract 3,4,5th columns from csv file and replace comma with space?Text file parser3117
11452013-11-04How to add up to 4 spaces before each line?Advanced search and replace3329
11432013-10-28How to extract numbers in specified position and join with comma?Text file parser3169
11402013-09-29How to change each line of data to the specified format?Advanced search and replace3475
11392013-09-28How to divide each column by the first number?Advanced search and replace2975
11382013-09-25How to generate full combinations of "a b" where a and b are from 2 different files?Text generator3214
11372013-09-24How to replace the certain column with specified words?Advanced search and replace3187
11352013-09-23How to split a CSV file with Header according to value of column B?Text file splitter4174
11302013-09-12How to extract lines with specific words in first column?Text file parser3495
11292013-09-12How to find the descriptions in text file and enclose them with a pair of tag?Advanced search and replace2930
11282013-09-11How to delete line with specific columns in specific range?Advanced search and replace2977
11272013-09-08How to extract all text that enclosed by and ?Text file parser3007
11172013-08-22How to randomly select one line from each paragraph?Text file parser3260
11152013-08-13How to remove all paragraphs(lines) that only contain single sentence?Replace text in multiple files3251
11122013-07-31How to copy all files under all sub-folders "sym" to common folder?Advanced search and replace3401
11092013-07-19For each word in list, how to extract all lines contain the word and save to word.txt?Text file parser3264
11082013-07-19How to extract all lines that contain specified words or phrases?Text file parser5317
11072013-07-17How to generate a full list of url that consist of a group of words?Text generator3646
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