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6542010-11-15How to remove/delete first column for multiple files?Replace text in multiple files4167
6532010-11-12How to replace file content in multiple files with corresponding filename?Replace text in multiple files4782
6512010-11-09How to add the numbers together in every 2 adjacent lines in text file?Regular expression replace4607
6402010-10-27How to count the number of words for many files and append result to each file?Replace text in multiple files3427
6372010-10-24How to replace multiple text in multiple files with variable strings?Replace text in multiple files3590
6332010-10-18How to batch strip/remove utf8 BOM for many files? (Replace Pioneer new version) Replace text in multiple files8614
6312010-10-15How to batch add utf8 BOM for many files? (with Replace Pioneer new version)Replace text in multiple files7942
6292010-10-13How to batch generate md5sum and sha1sum of all exe files under some folder?Text generator4260
6252010-10-09How to remove all question mark that enclosed by title tags?Advanced search and replace3496
6202010-09-26Is there any online tool to batch replace text file with regular expression?Replace text in multiple files3470
6182010-09-22How to delete lines 1-9, 21, 24 from many files?Replace text in multiple files3424
6102010-09-12How to batch convert arabic number to roman numbers automatcially?Advanced search and replace3118
6062010-09-07How to split a text file to different files according to first word in each line?Text file splitter3720
6032010-09-01How to findout all lines that contain specified words in multiple files?Text file parser4123
5852010-08-10How to find the 5 largest number from a text file automatically?Advanced search and replace3579
5812010-08-05How to search and replace with multiple mapping rules by regular expression?Regular expression replace3366
5792010-08-02How to convert multiple text files from DOS format to UNIX format?Replace text in multiple files3805
5782010-08-01How to convert multiple text files from UNIX format to DOS format?Replace text in multiple files3752
5652010-07-15How to replace strings in multiple files based on the search/replace mapping file?Replace text in multiple files3546
5612010-07-09How to replace one part of html with corresponding part from another?Advanced search and replace3096
5542010-07-04How to parse all text between two words and put "@" between results?Text file parser2719
5392010-06-18How to batch replace the word COLOR with one of the color name randomly?Random word generator4099
5382010-06-17How to simulate the specified BER(bit error rate) on text file with 0 and 1 only?Random word generator2882
5232010-05-31How to change multiple files, adding filename at the beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files4596
5222010-05-30How to edit multiple files, move the first 3 lines of text to the bottom of file?Replace text in multiple files2905
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