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13562016-03-22How to combine multiple pairs of text files line by line?Text merge3372
13502016-03-03How to extract info from xml value and generate a new format text?Advanced search and replace2535
13272015-12-01How to set column N according to some words in column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2831
13252015-11-18How to set column N according to content of column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2765
13182015-10-08How to join corresponding line of multiple text files with specified format?Text generator3125
12972015-04-15How to duplicate a line and change midi to mp3 in many files?Replace text in multiple files3202
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3463
12782015-01-31How to batch insert file name in the text?Replace text in multiple files3182
12352014-08-23How to batch insert part of the filename into the file content?Replace text in multiple files3341
12052014-05-13How to batch rename html files with specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename4742
12042014-05-11How to batch rename html files to specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename3638
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3817
11592013-12-15How to extract all data followed by specified words from many files?Text file parser3940
11582013-12-14How to extract all data like ##.##-##.## from many files?Text file parser3333
11242013-09-02How to extract last 100 lines from multiple files?Text file parser4449
11222013-08-30How to skip multiples of 100 lines and extract the last 1-100 lines?Text file parser3477
11092013-07-19For each word in list, how to extract all lines contain the word and save to word.txt?Text file parser3451
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3923
10552013-02-17How to add alt attribute for all img tags in html files automatically?Advanced search and replace3943
9762012-07-23How to make line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3967
9622012-06-17How to replace strings in hundreds of html files in one action?Replace text in multiple files4174
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3275
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4665
9312012-03-27How to split a file into multiple files with ======= as separator?Text file splitter5102
9182012-02-12How to batch rename files from file content after Title and Author?Batch file rename4223
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