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9782012-07-23How to reverse order of sentence clauses and words delimited by specified chars?Advanced search and replace3017
9772012-07-23How to make random line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3645
9762012-07-23How to make line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3733
9752012-07-21How to split a single line into many lines according by Special symbolsText file splitter3317
9732012-07-19How to extract/remove all lines containing an accentued letterAdvanced search and replace3000
9722012-07-19How to replace all accentued letter with the one without accent? Advanced search and replace2808
9712012-07-16How to delete all blank/space at the beginning of each line?Advanced search and replace3945
9702012-07-12How to search/replace multiple text files base on rules from csv file?Replace text in multiple files4834
9692012-07-12How to extract specified columns from a large pipe separated csv file?Text file parser4065
9682012-07-09How to replace email address with its ROT13 encryption format?Advanced search and replace3415
9662012-07-03How to count the number of lines under each specified pattern?Count and statistics3347
9652012-07-03How to replace strings and numbers with new format in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3375
9642012-06-28How to extract 3 lines from each file randomly?Random word generator3545
9632012-06-23How to put each line of keywords into multiple files with random occurrence?Replace text in multiple files3168
9622012-06-17How to replace strings in hundreds of html files in one action?Replace text in multiple files3943
9612012-06-16How to search and replace text base on csv file column 1 and 2?Advanced search and replace3361
9602012-06-16How to join every 3 lines into 3 columns of csv file?Advanced search and replace3201
9592012-06-10How to remove all line breaks that come after the backslash?Advanced search and replace3118
9572012-06-07How to replace some text with a random line from another file?Random word generator3760
9562012-06-03How to extract text after last comma in a string in htmlx file?Text file parser3769
9552012-06-03How to extract two pieces of information (reoccurring patterns) from html file?Text file parser3032
9522012-05-26How to remove first 8 rows and extract column 5 and 8 into different files?Text file parser3302
9502012-05-22How to remove first number in each line for multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3915
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3097
9482012-05-19How to search same text in differnt files and replace with different strings?Replace text in multiple files3163
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