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14652022-03-31How to calculate each number in a line with different formula?Text data calculation2783
14452019-10-10How to move strings matching specified patterns?Regular expression replace2478
13842016-12-05How to insert a separator before the first Chinese char in each line?Advanced search and replace2837
13662016-05-23How to count the number of specified part in each line?Count and statistics2901
13442016-02-16How to remove all hyphens after the first tab in each line?Advanced search and replace2449
13372016-01-27How to capitalize all words except some stop words?Advanced search and replace2141
13192015-10-18How to remove the first occurrance of duplicated words in each line?Advanced search and replace2388
12742014-12-16How to decrease the first 4 digits in the beginning of each line by 1000?Text data calculation3176
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation2998
12642014-11-14How to insert first 7 characters of filename into the end HTML file?Advanced search and replace2648
12612014-10-20How to caplitalize all specified words between ">" and first "#"?Advanced search and replace2566
12572014-10-01How to use the dictionary to do english words regex search and replace?Advanced search and replace2881
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2578
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3195
11592013-12-15How to extract all data followed by specified words from many files?Text file parser3818
11262013-09-08How to change date from ddmmyy to yymmdd in multiple filenames?Batch file rename3709
11212013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters after first ''' from multiple files?Text file parser3234
11202013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters form multiple .txt.files?Text file parser3681
11112013-07-29How to remove everything before first space in filename?Batch file rename4790
10792013-05-09How to remove everything after the second specified keywords in each line?Regular expression replace4317
10452013-01-19How to clean a text file by removing hi-bit characters and binary garbage?Regular expression replace3678
10182012-10-27How to move text before first square bracket to the replace of the parenthesis?Regular expression replace3612
9082012-01-27How to remove everything from start of line to the first comma in each line?Advanced search and replace3992
8862011-11-11How to sort file by the number which first appear in each line?Text sort4207
8302011-08-01How to search and replace in multiple files base on user-defined mapping file?Replace text in multiple files3556
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