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13242015-11-16How to convert invalid charcters in csv file?Character encoding2987
11402013-09-29How to change each line of data to the specified format?Advanced search and replace3475
8702011-10-11How to extract all english words that preceded by multi-byte characters?Text file parser3649
7972011-06-11How to add a fixed number on all hexadecimal bytes?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3135
7822011-05-19How to convert asp code to corresponding hex bytes separated by comma?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3391
7412011-03-20How to convert file among MS word, PDF and TXT format?Advanced search and replace3101
7022011-01-20How to remove the 120 bytes that followed by ABC in binary files?Search replace binary3574
7002011-01-18How to modify multiple binary files by removing bytes starts from 206?Search replace binary3250
6312010-10-15How to batch add utf8 BOM for many files? (with Replace Pioneer new version)Replace text in multiple files7942
5952010-08-23How to find bytes 0xAB**CD and replace with 0xCD**AB in multiple binary files?Search replace binary3578
5782010-08-01How to convert multiple text files from UNIX format to DOS format?Replace text in multiple files3752
5672010-07-17How to delete everything starting specific bytes till the end in many files?Search replace binary3703
4902010-04-27How to generate random passwords with 10 bytes of upper case letters?Random word generator3818
4882010-04-25How to batch change many html files from iso-8859-1 to utf-8?Character encoding4701
4782010-04-15How to sort all the lines of a text file by order the multiple columns?Text sort3923
4702010-04-07How to modify multiple binary files by reversing every bit inside them?Search replace binary3578
4562010-03-22How to decode all utf-8 encoded url address into readable text?Character encoding12539
4552010-03-21How to generate a TREND column of Hodrick-Prescott Filter base on CLOSE value?Text data calculation2961
4512010-03-18How to replace bytes in the specific postion of many binary files?Search replace binary4177
4052010-01-27How to replace all the password field in text file with random chars?Random word generator3107
3582009-11-28How to open a binary file and replace some bytes inside it?Search replace binary3731
3492009-08-26How can I rename files from a specified string inside of a text file? (Not on the first line.)Batch file rename3826
2912008-11-05How to remove/delete all single-byte characters in a text fileAdvanced search and replace3423
2802008-10-13How to change text file with hexidecimal format into original binary file?Search replace binary7833
2792008-10-12How to change a binary file into text file with readable hexidecimal format?Search replace binary8814
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