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13752016-07-17How to remove all lines that can be found in another file?Advanced search and replace2850
13652016-04-25How to remove all lines but the second line from bottom?Replace text in multiple files2809
13642016-04-23How to remove lines containing specified words in a text file?Advanced search and replace3443
13612016-04-11How to remove all lines containing key-board letters only?Advanced search and replace3065
13442016-02-16How to remove all hyphens after the first tab in each line?Advanced search and replace2545
13342016-01-05How to remove lines from file B.csv with first column come from file A.csv?Text file parser2954
13222015-11-07How to remove all but first lines whose second column is bigger than 6?Advanced search and replace2522
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3471
12412014-09-03How to shuffle all paragraphs and remove all paragraphs with less than 30 words?Replace text in multiple files3296
11562013-12-09How to remove lines that contain some words base on percentages?Text file parser3221
11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3400
11152013-08-13How to remove all paragraphs(lines) that only contain single sentence?Replace text in multiple files3453
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3372
10842013-06-03How to remove all lines whose 4th column enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Advanced search and replace3322
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3927
9902012-08-13How to join all text file in a folder and remove all blank lines?Text merge3628
9522012-05-26How to remove first 8 rows and extract column 5 and 8 into different files?Text file parser3495
9142012-02-06How to remove duplicate lines in multiple files in different sub-folders?Replace text in multiple files5250
8892011-11-19How to extract all lines that has no leading spaces?Text file parser3791
8882011-11-17How to remove all lines that contain one or more words in a list?Advanced search and replace4121
8622011-09-27How to remove all the lines appeared in file B,C,D from file A?Replace text in multiple files3447
8112011-06-30How to extract and remove common lines from multiple files?Text file parser4712
8092011-06-29How to extract all distinct parent folder names from a list of files?Text file parser3315
8032011-06-21How to remove all lines that have duplicate contents in CSV files?Advanced search and replace3398
7722011-04-30How to remove all lines with duplicate value in column B in CSV file?Advanced search and replace3351
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