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8202011-07-12How to remove all lines that contain some specific strings in a text file?Regular expression replace3555
8082011-06-27How to remove all path information for multiple http addresses in text file?Regular expression replace3055
8052011-06-23How to extract all lines that contain chem, but not any of org and cn?Text file parser3321
7982011-06-12How to copy column A to column D if column D is blank(absent) in a csv file?Regular expression replace2741
7832011-05-19How to replace a number with another number in same text file?Regular expression replace3392
7562011-04-01How to extract all specific links from webpage?Text file parser4463
7522011-03-28How to change the http address to related email address in text file?Regular expression replace2979
7402011-03-18How to validate many email addresses in a text file and export them?Advanced search and replace3104
7342011-03-08How to add a port 80 for all IP addresses in a text file?Regular expression replace3363
7242011-02-24How to remove the first pair of parenthesis and enclosed content in each line?Regular expression replace3320
7222011-02-20How to remove any comments that from hash mark "#" to line end?Regular expression replace4841
7212011-02-19How to remove any space before punctuation marks and add a space after it?Regular expression replace3608
7182011-02-16How to add a single space after each character in a text file?Regular expression replace7205
7042011-01-24How to remove the sequence number before each line of text file?Regular expression replace3667
6512010-11-09How to add the numbers together in every 2 adjacent lines in text file?Regular expression replace4607
6202010-09-26Is there any online tool to batch replace text file with regular expression?Replace text in multiple files3470
5962010-08-24How to count the number of words that start with "ea" in a text file?Count and statistics3322
5892010-08-15How to count the number of english words that has specified number of chars?Count and statistics3219
5812010-08-05How to search and replace with multiple mapping rules by regular expression?Regular expression replace3366
5682010-07-19How to change all letters that come after the word "password:" to ***** ?Regular expression replace2904
5652010-07-15How to replace strings in multiple files based on the search/replace mapping file?Replace text in multiple files3546
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace2888
5492010-06-28How to remove all blank lines and lines that started with Name: or Addr:?Regular expression replace3426
5362010-06-15How to duplicate every letter of a-z and A-Z in a text file?Regular expression replace2949
5352010-06-14How to replace the all word "test" with the first word in same line?Regular expression replace3237
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