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14102017-12-11How to change network configuration files automatically?Advanced search and replace2866
12562014-09-29How to update values in xml file according to values from another xml?Advanced search and replace2645
12472014-09-11How to join multiple script (rst) files from replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace2536
10062012-09-17How to insert a space between the lower case and upper case letter?Regular expression replace3894
9882012-08-10How to sort paragraphs base on the second word in each paragraph?Text sort4116
9152012-02-07How to remove duplicate sentences across many articles in different files?Replace text in multiple files5110
8852011-11-10How to use many replace pioneer script file(rst) on one input file?Advanced search and replace3207
8222011-07-18How to extract all records that contains specified field values?Text file parser3281
7962011-06-09How to count the number of records for each month in a web log file?Count and statistics2955
7192011-02-17How to extract the second column from a database text file?Text file parser3812
6052010-09-06How to count the number of ( A )...( F ) from a text file of survey?Count and statistics2904
5702010-07-22How to split a file into two parts according to the content of line?Text file splitter4647
5112010-05-16How to remove nested html tags that only enclose blank tags or  ?Regular expression replace3525
4562010-03-22How to decode all utf-8 encoded url address into readable text?Character encoding12539
2562008-08-22How to count number of words appeared in a text file?Count and statistics4090
2552008-08-21How to count number of digits(0-9) in a text file?Count and statistics3587
2542008-08-20How to count how many word(non-symbol) characters in a text file?Count and statistics3926
2132008-07-05How to batch rename files by removing first 3 characters of filename?Batch file rename7813
2082008-07-01How to batch rename files by adding an [ok] before '_', but do not add to file which already has '[ok]'?Batch file rename2995
2002008-06-23Is it possible to convert all the hexadecimal figures in a file to plain readable code?Advanced search and replace3755
1952008-06-20How to batch rename files by removing all letters and symbols in filename, only keep numbers?Batch file rename4456
1932008-06-18How to remove/delete all underscores in filenames of all files in a directory?Batch file rename14183
1902008-06-15How to automatically remove/delete search engine visiting records in a website traffic log file?Advanced search and replace2856
1732008-06-03How to eliminate consecutive return and spaces?Advanced search and replace3011
1392008-05-20How to rename many jpg files with sequence id and record it?Batch file rename3741
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