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14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2337
14452019-10-10How to move strings matching specified patterns?Regular expression replace2647
14342019-01-22How to rearrange columns of comma seperated file?Advanced search and replace2861
13162015-09-01How to sort some segments in xml file?Text sort3050
13082015-06-11How to replace letters with predefined numbers in a text range?Advanced search and replace2721
12732014-12-12How to re-group all elements in specified range?Advanced search and replace3013
12102014-06-30How to re-arrange lines with in a specified number of lines?Text sort3973
12002014-04-30How to replace the 7th column with increasing numbers between the specified range?Advanced search and replace3254
11822014-03-04How to shuffle all elements in a specified range in text file?Advanced search and replace3423
11812014-03-03How to shuffle all lines of text in specified range?Advanced search and replace3476
11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3383
11282013-09-11How to delete line with specific columns in specific range?Advanced search and replace3156
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3358
10732013-04-18How to replace apple with orange, but leave pineapple untouched?Replace text in multiple files3469
10502013-02-07How to replace old text with new text only in specified range?Advanced search and replace3431
9892012-08-12After each line, how to insert 1-10 random lines from other files?Text merge4158
9392012-04-18How to replace all specified symbols with dot in specified range?Advanced search and replace3592
8272011-07-28How to extract all lines with specified date range from text file?Text file parser4509
6902011-01-04How to extract all odd columns 1,3,5,... from a text file?Text file parser3632
6662010-11-27How to download image files from a serial of html pages?Batch download4482
6072010-09-07How to delete range of lines 4-6,10-12, a text file?Text file parser3220
5642010-07-14How to clone 1000 html files from one html but with increasing number in title?Advanced search and replace3079
5572010-07-07How to generate a full number list base on given number range list?Text generator3636
5522010-07-01How to batch rename files by generating a random word that in the list?Batch file rename4076
5262010-06-04How to add a column of Close Location Value("CLV") on stock data?Text data calculation3377
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