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14212018-09-13How to caculate the last day of a month?Advanced search and replace2196
13892017-02-14How to add parenthesis around a pair of single quote after 'like'?Regular expression replace4014
13882017-01-04How to replace date format YYMM with the YYMM01 of next month?Advanced search and replace3319
12392014-09-01How to replace string in the Nth file with the Nth strings from a list?Advanced search and replace3047
10842013-06-03How to remove all lines whose 4th column enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Advanced search and replace3322
10772013-05-05How to insert a blank line after each group of lines with same month?Advanced search and replace3239
10652013-03-18How to rename files to year month from the epoch time in file content?Batch file rename3964
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace3136
10182012-10-27How to move text before first square bracket to the replace of the parenthesis?Regular expression replace3730
9582012-06-10How to batch rename PDF files with the date inside the file?Batch file rename5054
9342012-04-03How to change the numbering format in a text file to a new format?Advanced search and replace3568
9052012-01-23How to remove everything between a pair of parenthesis in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3566
9002011-12-30How to extract specified lines in multiple excel(csv) files?Text file parser4489
8842011-11-09How to batch rename files from month name to month number?Batch file rename4979
8262011-07-27How to sort all the lines by the order of date with format day-month-year?Text sort3921
7962011-06-09How to count the number of records for each month in a web log file?Count and statistics3116
7242011-02-24How to remove the first pair of parenthesis and enclosed content in each line?Regular expression replace3504
7182011-02-16How to add a single space after each character in a text file?Regular expression replace7387
5322010-06-11How to change each pair of single quote to parenthesis?Regular expression replace3273
5062010-05-12How to batch rename files by adding parenthesis for each number?Batch file rename3698
4782010-04-15How to sort all the lines of a text file by order the multiple columns?Text sort4114
4452010-03-12How to change all negative numbers to the format of (number)?Advanced search and replace3080
3642009-12-11How to batch remove all the text that enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Regular expression replace4135
3632009-12-09How to convert the daily data into a weekly data in many text files?Advanced search and replace3317
3352009-05-25How to calculate sub-total for each group with user-defined number of lines?Text data calculation3316
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