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14302018-12-18How to split a text file according to specified tags?Text file splitter2488
13852016-12-26How to extract specified columns from blocks of text?Text file parser3125
13742016-06-20How to add a
at the end of each paragraph?
Advanced search and replace2849
13712016-06-10How to generate several different versions of shuffled paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2869
13702016-06-10How to randomly generate some of the permutation of paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2787
13692016-06-07How to generate permutation of all paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2740
13532016-03-16How to format an English article will specified rules?Advanced search and replace2420
13482016-02-23How to count the number of consecutive identical lines?Count and statistics2644
13472016-02-22How to count the consecutive lines with the same pattern?Count and statistics3033
13462016-02-21How to calculate time difference of two adjacent and matched lines?Text data calculation2650
13452016-02-17How to remove lines where the last column does not match column 4?Advanced search and replace2513
13432016-02-16How to count the number of non-empty columns?Advanced search and replace2436
13422016-02-16How to make a subtraction of the specified time string?Text data calculation2592
13412016-02-16How to remove paragraphs with different 4th column and last column in second line?Text file parser2639
13402016-02-16How to extract the first and last lines where the second column is the same?Text file parser2577
13092015-07-01How to randomly replace each word with a list of pre-defined words?Random word generator3126
13062015-05-26How to merge consecutive lines that have the same first column?Advanced search and replace2848
12582014-10-02How to replace all lines before first blank line?Advanced search and replace2854
12362014-08-25How to replace accented characters in text file with non accented equivalents?Advanced search and replace2996
12272014-08-05How to calculate the total energy consumption in group?Text data calculation2994
10812013-05-23How to sort the text with digit and non-digit string separated?Text sort3486
10632013-03-08How to extract interface of paragraph without "sw ac" or "sw tr"?Text file parser3165
10622013-03-07How to extract specified interface and sw from router configuration file?Text file parser3251
10282012-11-28How to remove the trailing blank lines in the end of file?Advanced search and replace3392
9972012-08-21How to make ROT13 encryption but ignore text in angular bracket?Replace text in multiple files3671
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