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12662014-11-27How to remove everything before first space in each line?Replace text in multiple files3510
12652014-11-26How to search and replace multiple file with multiple regex rules?Regular expression replace3099
12642014-11-14How to insert first 7 characters of filename into the end HTML file?Advanced search and replace2554
12522014-09-21How to use the dictionary to do multiple Regex search and replace?Advanced search and replace2412
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2463
12472014-09-11How to join multiple script (rst) files from replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace2536
12412014-09-03How to shuffle all paragraphs and remove all paragraphs with less than 30 words?Replace text in multiple files3058
12402014-09-03How to read each line of a file and insert into multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3166
12392014-09-01How to replace string in the Nth file with the Nth strings from a list?Advanced search and replace2862
12352014-08-23How to batch insert part of the filename into the file content?Replace text in multiple files3100
12172014-07-09How to batch replace files with specified format in each line?Advanced search and replace3434
12092014-06-28How to add number at end according to domain name at the begin of line?Advanced search and replace2785
12072014-05-27How to remove words found in the dictionary from the Title Tag?Advanced search and replace2949
12012014-05-02How to take words from first line and insert into text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3104
12002014-04-30How to replace the 7th column with increasing numbers between the specified range?Advanced search and replace3067
11992014-04-30How to replace the second column of a file with an increasing number?Advanced search and replace3007
11972014-04-29How to take part of the first line and insert them in text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3285
11932014-04-13How to multiply numeric values after specified symbol in each line?Text data calculation2966
11902014-03-30How to multiply numeric values within defined criteria in given text?Advanced search and replace2868
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3118
11802014-02-23How to bulk remove Chinese characters?Replace text in multiple files5941
11782014-02-19How to replace a word/string with increasing number in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3387
11752014-02-17How to sort randomly(shuffle) all paragraphs that separated by ## in multiple files?Advanced search and replace2897
11742014-02-14How to remove/delete extra blank lines in multiple text files?Replace text in multiple files3851
11722014-02-11How to replace vowel-consonant-vowel groupings with specified format?Advanced search and replace2804
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