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14452019-10-10How to move strings matching specified patterns?Regular expression replace2354
13752016-07-17How to remove all lines that can be found in another file?Advanced search and replace2653
13722016-06-12How to find files containing abc in folder f1 and move to folder f2?Batch file rename3284
13642016-04-23How to remove lines containing specified words in a text file?Advanced search and replace3244
13382016-01-27How to remove sentence fragments from File A based on list in File B?Advanced search and replace2075
12732014-12-12How to re-group all elements in specified range?Advanced search and replace2823
11892014-03-29How to merge files in all folders into one folder?Batch file rename4142
11562013-12-09How to remove lines that contain some words base on percentages?Text file parser3033
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3159
10992013-07-09How to move all files whose names are ended with numbers to another folder?Batch file rename3441
10462013-01-24How to extract all proper names and nouns that start with an upper case letter?Text file parser3869
10222012-11-03How to download all the html articles from a website?Batch download5246
10122012-10-06How to extract all links of a webpage periodically and save to file?Batch download4230
9152012-02-07How to remove duplicate sentences across many articles in different files?Replace text in multiple files5110
8632011-09-29How to remove all the unavailable addresses from a list of web pages?Text file parser3096
8522011-09-09How to filter out all web pages that does not contain specified words?Text file parser3356
8092011-06-29How to extract all distinct parent folder names from a list of files?Text file parser3122
8062011-06-24How to extract all emails from many webs with depth 2?Text file parser3115
6492010-11-04How to move a list of files that in different folders to a common folder?Batch file rename3819
6032010-09-01How to findout all lines that contain specified words in multiple files?Text file parser4122
5602010-07-09How to remove all the lines that do not contain any of words in a list?Text file parser3609
5032010-05-09How to batch rename html files to the content that between a pair of h2 tags?Batch file rename3993
4422010-03-09How to move all image files with the width greater than height?Batch file rename3479
3622009-12-09How to batch rename files in different folders and move them to a common folder?Batch file rename4014
3212009-03-18How to search hundreds of xml files for a list of numbers, find out which file contains which number?Replace text in multiple files3627
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