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13992017-08-12How to merge lines with identical first row in two files?Advanced search and replace2551
13572016-03-29How to match same lines between 2 files and combine the line followed?Text merge3220
13562016-03-22How to combine multiple pairs of text files line by line?Text merge3367
13542016-03-19How to copy same lines and combine different lines from 2 files?Text merge2977
13062015-05-26How to merge consecutive lines that have the same first column?Advanced search and replace2831
13002015-04-24How to merge 4 lines to one according to given rules?Advanced search and replace2619
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation3094
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3813
11612013-12-20How to merge odd lines from file1 and even lines from file2?Text merge4134
11312013-09-13How to replace certain column from different files? Text merge3948
11252013-09-04How to create a text file by choosing N random lines from each of many files?Text merge4028
10342012-12-18How to merge unique lines found in File A with the text of File B?Text merge3893
10312012-12-07How to insert lines between sentences with specified order?Text merge4124
10272012-11-27How to join every 50 or 500 lines together in a text file?Advanced search and replace3254
10132012-10-07How to join every sequential line with a random line in a text file?Text merge4247
9952012-08-21How to merge lines with previous lines that ended with backslash?Regular expression replace3995
9902012-08-13How to join all text file in a folder and remove all blank lines?Text merge3617
9892012-08-12After each line, how to insert 1-10 random lines from other files?Text merge4158
9772012-07-23How to make random line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3873
8922011-11-27How to merge every 3 lines from file A and every 1 line from file B?Text merge4338
8742011-10-14How to merge content of column "A" if columns "B" and "C" are duplicate?Text merge3738
5052010-05-11How to merge 3 text files by getting one line from each file repeatly?Text merge4460
5002010-05-07How to merge two or more csv files with different columns into one file?Text merge4945
4692010-04-06How to count and sort the frequency of all words appeared in many text files?Count and statistics7223
4142010-02-05How to merge every two lines into one line between (part1) and (partn)? Text merge5040
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