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14692024-01-30Decode numerical HTML entities found in the text inputAdvanced search and replace2134
14392019-07-15How to sort csv files by two or more columns?Text sort2084
14362019-02-26How merge many txt files to a txt file horizontally?Text merge2576
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2459
14322019-01-08How to generate multiple copies of each line with different values? Advanced search and replace2804
14222018-10-07How to merge remaining columns into the first column?Text merge2250
14202018-08-28How to merge other columns one by one into the first column?Text merge2487
14042017-10-09How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of specified column?Advanced search and replace3459
14032017-10-03How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of some column?Advanced search and replace2574
13992017-08-12How to merge lines with identical first row in two files?Advanced search and replace2551
13572016-03-29How to match same lines between 2 files and combine the line followed?Text merge3220
13562016-03-22How to combine multiple pairs of text files line by line?Text merge3367
13542016-03-19How to copy same lines and combine different lines from 2 files?Text merge2977
13362016-01-13How to attach column 8 to column2 except line 1 in a tab separated file?Advanced search and replace2596
13192015-10-18How to remove the first occurrance of duplicated words in each line?Advanced search and replace2471
13162015-09-01How to sort some segments in xml file?Text sort3050
13062015-05-26How to merge consecutive lines that have the same first column?Advanced search and replace2831
13002015-04-24How to merge 4 lines to one according to given rules?Advanced search and replace2619
12842015-03-04How to import a list of rules to replace multiple files?Regular expression replace3324
12812015-02-22How to make following multiple rules replacement?Regular expression replace3075
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation3094
12652014-11-26How to search and replace multiple file with multiple regex rules?Regular expression replace3448
12472014-09-11How to join multiple script (rst) files from replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace2720
12442014-09-06How to batch calculate numbers and make the result divisible by 5?Text data calculation3360
12402014-09-03How to read each line of a file and insert into multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3378
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