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1312008-05-19How to sort and delete duplicate lines of a text file?Text sort14601
1932008-06-18How to remove/delete all underscores in filenames of all files in a directory?Batch file rename14185
2122008-07-04How to batch convert/change many html files from gb2312 to utf-8(utf8)?Character encoding10853
652008-05-06How to remove/delete all blank lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace10669
2202008-07-12How to batch strip(remove) utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace8659
2652008-09-03How to batch remove/delete the last 6 characters of many filenames?Batch file rename8180
2132008-07-05How to batch rename files by removing first 3 characters of filename?Batch file rename7813
722008-05-08How to batch rename files by removing the first 3 characters of each file name?Batch file rename7516
2212008-07-13How to batch add utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace5792
8422011-08-26How to remove some specified characters from multiple filenames?Batch file rename5626
4272010-02-21How to extract tables from html files into csv file automatically?Text file parser5232
2582008-08-26How to batch remove/delete the 5,6,7 characters of many filenames?Batch file rename4833
692008-05-08How to batch remove/delete one blank line between each two lines in text file?Advanced search and replace4800
2902008-11-02How to remove/delete all lines with even line number?Advanced search and replace4683
2462008-08-11How to batch rename files from format like NAME-YEAR.mp3 to YEAR-NAME.mp3?Batch file rename4584
1892008-06-14How to sort all lines of text by specified keyword?Text sort4581
1712008-06-02How to delete the first word in each line in a text file?Advanced search and replace4577
2262008-07-17How to split files by columns with fixed widths, and save to files with sequence?Text file splitter4559
4602010-03-27How to replace adjacent multiple spaces in a text files into one tab?Regular expression replace4552
1952008-06-20How to batch rename files by removing all letters and symbols in filename, only keep numbers?Batch file rename4456
1632008-05-29How to remove/delete unnecessary line breaks in a text file?Advanced search and replace4431
4242010-02-18How to remove partially duplicated lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace4398
4252010-02-19How to extract/parse all http addresses from text/html file?Text file parser4337
8272011-07-28How to extract all lines with specified date range from text file?Text file parser4327
1492008-05-23How to split a file into many files by chapters, and use Chapter names as filenames?Text file splitter4314
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