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14522020-03-25How to generate all possible combinations between AAAA-0000 to ZZZZ-9999?Text generator3309
14402019-07-22How to convert abbreviated ip to detail ip? Text generator1976
14322019-01-08How to generate multiple copies of each line with different values? Advanced search and replace2722
14132017-12-31How to replace text conditionally with custom dictionary?Advanced search and replace3322
13852016-12-26How to extract specified columns from blocks of text?Text file parser3003
13172015-09-02How to generate all palindromic prime with specified length? Text generator2872
12942015-04-07How to generate a list from 00001 to FFFFF?Text generator2727
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3366
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation2998
12632014-11-08How to get a N*M lines file, given a N-line file and a M-line file?Text generator2918
12562014-09-29How to update values in xml file according to values from another xml?Advanced search and replace2748
12482014-09-12How to extract all lines that contain specific words in a file?Text file parser3602
12302014-08-09How to fill in one xml file with elements from another xml file?Advanced search and replace2822
12092014-06-28How to add number at end according to domain name at the begin of line?Advanced search and replace2878
12082014-06-19How to extract sentences that contain specified words from UTF8 file?Advanced search and replace3082
12072014-05-27How to remove words found in the dictionary from the Title Tag?Advanced search and replace3034
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3195
11792014-02-20How to generate Hex number groups, increasing start number in each group?Text generator3369
11772014-02-19How to generate hex number from 0101-7FFF, 0102-7FFF and so on?Text generator3468
11762014-02-19How to generate Hex Number from 0100 to FFFF?Text generator3476
11532013-12-05How to break a column of text into more columns with 50000 rows in each column?Text file splitter3649
11432013-10-28How to extract numbers in specified position and join with comma?Text file parser3254
11382013-09-25How to generate full combinations of "a b" where a and b are from 2 different files?Text generator3313
11342013-09-20How to merge columns of 2 files with the same name in different folder?Text merge3876
11232013-09-02How to generate a full list of hours minutes seconds.html in a day?Text generator3481
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