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14522020-03-25How to generate all possible combinations between AAAA-0000 to ZZZZ-9999?Text generator3438
13962017-07-27How to extract all lines by specified words in group?Advanced search and replace2591
13852016-12-26How to extract specified columns from blocks of text?Text file parser3108
13812016-10-30How to re-group all lines in a file by a wordlist file?Text file parser3166
13682016-05-23How to extract and join first words from adjacent lines?Text file parser2956
13642016-04-23How to remove lines containing specified words in a text file?Advanced search and replace3430
13582016-04-06How to join same language lines into 1 line in a text file?Advanced search and replace2740
13292015-12-13How to keep double newline and replace single newline with space?Regular expression replace3179
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3313
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3455
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation3094
12632014-11-08How to get a N*M lines file, given a N-line file and a M-line file?Text generator3010
12482014-09-12How to extract all lines that contain specific words in a file?Text file parser3714
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3813
11922014-04-07How to extract lines that matching the list of russian speaking names?Text file parser3123
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3292
11572013-12-10How to randomly delete some percent of lines that don't have bracket?Text file parser3231
11562013-12-09How to remove lines that contain some words base on percentages?Text file parser3210
11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3383
11542013-12-05How to randomly deletes x number of lines from text files?Advanced search and replace3465
11082013-07-19How to extract all lines that contain specified words or phrases?Text file parser5530
10982013-07-09How to insert random lines from one file into another file at random points? Advanced search and replace3176
10852013-06-07How to generate a list with random numbers between 10 and 70?Random word generator3649
10682013-03-28How to randomly select 2~5 lines and append a string at end?Random word generator3413
10342012-12-18How to merge unique lines found in File A with the text of File B?Text merge3893
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