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14292018-11-22How to extract and format sentences matching given word list?Advanced search and replace2307
13452016-02-17How to remove lines where the last column does not match column 4?Advanced search and replace2316
13432016-02-16How to count the number of non-empty columns?Advanced search and replace2244
13412016-02-16How to remove paragraphs with different 4th column and last column in second line?Text file parser2437
13402016-02-16How to extract the first and last lines where the second column is the same?Text file parser2380
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3265
10942013-07-03How to replace specific words with its previous words in the same column?Advanced search and replace3036
10472013-01-24How to sort lines that started with IP address?Text sort3648
10402012-12-24How to join first half of One line with last half of another?Advanced search and replace2874
10212012-11-01How to delete last column in a csv file?Advanced search and replace3405
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4438
9122012-02-04How to delete the last 3 words only if the first line has 8 words or more?Advanced search and replace3087
8272011-07-28How to extract all lines with specified date range from text file?Text file parser4327
7792011-05-13How to simulate a Lucky Draw program to pop-up names in random order?Random word generator3575
4122010-02-04How to remove all duplicated lines without considering the last word?Advanced search and replace3075
2042008-06-27How to rename many files with the last modified date of the file?Batch file rename6035
2012008-06-24How can I add a word before the last 10 characters of each line?Advanced search and replace3091
1792008-06-06How to find all the sub-directories named 'abc', and rename them to 'def'?Batch file rename3171
1712008-06-02How to delete the first word in each line in a text file?Advanced search and replace4577
662008-05-07Can I change the word order of each line and add a comma as separator?Advanced search and replace3828

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