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14532020-05-08How to move and rename files from multiple folder with specified order?Batch file rename3029
14312018-12-19How to delete last blank lines from multiple files?Advanced search and replace2413
14182018-07-20How to keep all lines with 6 letters or numbers and at most 2 letter?Regular expression replace2164
13902017-02-18How to split a text file with specified start and end line and name?Text file splitter3592
13292015-12-13How to keep double newline and replace single newline with space?Regular expression replace3179
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3313
12452014-09-08How to batch download UTF-8 files?Batch download3817
12102014-06-30How to re-arrange lines with in a specified number of lines?Text sort3973
12012014-05-02How to take words from first line and insert into text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3329
11972014-04-29How to take part of the first line and insert them in text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3480
11942014-04-17How to batch rename files by remove everything after specificed string?Batch file rename4013
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3322
11802014-02-23How to bulk remove Chinese characters?Replace text in multiple files6135
11782014-02-19How to replace a word/string with increasing number in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3583
11662014-01-10How to add h2 tag for all sub-title lines in text file?Replace text in multiple files3348
11622013-12-24How to replace everything outside brackets with lines from another file?Advanced search and replace3437
11482013-11-22How to remove everything after specified strings in text files?Replace text in multiple files4702
11252013-09-04How to create a text file by choosing N random lines from each of many files?Text merge4028
11122013-07-31How to copy all files under all sub-folders "sym" to common folder?Advanced search and replace3588
10862013-06-11How to keep the key words and delete all the other words?Text file parser3273
10832013-05-24How to remove or keep the lines started with a word of number?Text file parser3273
10712013-04-13How to replace content of many files with text from a template file?Advanced search and replace3856
9412012-04-28How to batch rename files by changing specified part separated by dash?Batch file rename3834
8762011-10-19How to remove/delete consecutive duplicate lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace4153
8672011-10-07How to keep all specified words in an article and remove rest words?Regular expression replace3118
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