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10472013-01-24How to sort lines that started with IP address?Text sort3659
6592010-11-21How to sort all lines of ip addresses in a text file?Text sort4270
8972011-12-19How to extract multiple fields from data file and create a csv file?Text file parser3956
8072011-06-24How to extract all http links from multiple web sites in one time?Text file parser4272
7652011-04-17How to extract unique ip addresses from multiple text/html files?Text file parser4752
7602011-04-07How to extract email addresses from multiple webpages?Text file parser4525
7462011-03-25How to extract all html address from a text file?Text file parser4352
4742010-04-11How to extract all email addresses from many text files?Text file parser5178
572008-03-21How to extract email and signature from saved email text fileText file parser5165
3662009-12-13How to replace all the old web address of Favoriates links?Replace text in multiple files2812
8082011-06-27How to remove all path information for multiple http addresses in text file?Regular expression replace3065
4932010-04-30How to batch generate IP address list that like real IP addresses randomly?Random word generator5468
4172010-02-09How to generate 200 random numbers in the range of 100 to 300?Random word generator4432
7882011-05-24How to create many different html files base on a given template? Html text generator4119
8752011-10-18How to count the index page size of multiple web sites?Count and statistics3240
8432011-08-27How to count the number of ip addresses from each country?Count and statistics3200
5742010-07-27How to count how many IP addresses with different classes from web logs?Count and statistics3202
4712010-04-08How to count the number of Unique IP address from a web log file?Count and statistics3578
1192008-05-17How to count how many IP addresses are appearing in a text file?Count and statistics3656
6952011-01-10How to convert the decimal IP address into binary format with 0 and 1?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4083
8642011-09-30How to download multiple webpages with part of url as filename?Batch download4586
5932010-08-19How to extract multiple webpages and save all text into text files?Batch download7327
13142015-08-07How to decorate each of marching number with specified format?Advanced search and replace2672
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3167
9682012-07-09How to replace email address with its ROT13 encryption format?Advanced search and replace3413
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