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14672024-01-11How to get content between a pair of nearest ab bc?Advanced search and replace1799
14642022-01-22How to calculate one column base on value of another column?Text data calculation3105
13522016-03-14How split words from file where all words are joined without spaces?Text file parser2974
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3318
11532013-12-05How to break a column of text into more columns with 50000 rows in each column?Text file splitter3776
11182013-08-22How to split words into 44 phonemes automatically?Regular expression replace4292
10852013-06-07How to generate a list with random numbers between 10 and 70?Random word generator3671
10622013-03-07How to extract specified interface and sw from router configuration file?Text file parser3260
9622012-06-17How to replace strings in hundreds of html files in one action?Replace text in multiple files4183
9522012-05-26How to remove first 8 rows and extract column 5 and 8 into different files?Text file parser3502
9292012-03-24How to generate a list of picture names and put into a csv file?Text generator4401
8962011-12-15How to generate an html page that include download links of specified files?Text generator4885
6382010-10-24How to remove all text that include variable strings?Advanced search and replace3239
6372010-10-24How to replace multiple text in multiple files with variable strings?Replace text in multiple files3770
6352010-10-22How to batch rename mp3 files by adding artist name behind?Batch file rename5211
5682010-07-19How to change all letters that come after the word "password:" to ***** ?Regular expression replace3074
4882010-04-25How to batch change many html files from iso-8859-1 to utf-8?Character encoding4910
4402010-03-07How to extract/parse all upper cases Acronyms from a text file?Text file parser3210
992008-05-14How to convert text with pig latin rules?Advanced search and replace4931

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