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12102014-06-30How to re-arrange lines with in a specified number of lines?Text sort3744
11252013-09-04How to create a text file by choosing N random lines from each of many files?Text merge3816
8212011-07-14How to copy a file 100 times with different name from 1.txt to 100.txt?Text generator5257
11532013-12-05How to break a column of text into more columns with 50000 rows in each column?Text file splitter3553
2442008-08-08How to split text file by number of bytes?Text file splitter4326
1882008-06-13How to split a file by specified number of lines like 10,20,30,20,20,20 ...?Text file splitter3241
11172013-08-22How to randomly select one line from each paragraph?Text file parser3260
3972010-01-17How to run a program on many html files to extract useful text?Text file parser3439
3962010-01-16How to extract text from many webpage files and form a dabase file?Text file parser4503
2192008-07-11How to extract the 3rd to 6th characters of the second word of the 2nd line in a lot of text file and save them together to a new file?Text file parser2975
13322015-12-17How to compare and get the difference between numbers of two file?Text data calculation2732
9322012-03-29How to batch change decimal numbers by rounding to 3 decimal places?Text data calculation4703
9302012-03-26How to multiply every number by 1000 in a text file?Text data calculation4889
7832011-05-19How to replace a number with another number in same text file?Regular expression replace3392
4682010-04-05How to replace the contents between div tags with increasing number?Regular expression replace3295
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3118
10852013-06-07How to generate a list with random numbers between 10 and 70?Random word generator3452
9662012-07-03How to count the number of lines under each specified pattern?Count and statistics3341
4922010-04-29How to count the number of lines and characters in multiple files and make a list?Count and statistics3779
822008-05-11How to count and sort the frequency of each line?Count and statistics3392
12532014-09-28How to batch rename files by repositioning numbers?Batch file rename3257
12042014-05-11How to batch rename html files to specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename3428
11422013-10-24How to rename files by removing all leading numbers?Batch file rename3419
11412013-10-11How to batch rename files by removing all trailing numbers?Batch file rename3574
10992013-07-09How to move all files whose names are ended with numbers to another folder?Batch file rename3445
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