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12492014-09-12How to batch rename files by removing unwanted parts?Batch file rename3967
11462013-11-15How to batch rename files by removing everything after last "."?Batch file rename3403
11422013-10-24How to rename files by removing all leading numbers?Batch file rename3418
11412013-10-11How to batch rename files by removing all trailing numbers?Batch file rename3574
11132013-08-08How to batch rename mp3 files by removing everything before dash in filename?Batch file rename3721
8422011-08-26How to remove some specified characters from multiple filenames?Batch file rename5625
5312010-06-10How to batch rename files by removing all the letters and keep the rest?Batch file rename3628
4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename3953
4502010-03-17How to rename files by removing characters enclosed by '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3233
2132008-07-05How to batch rename files by removing first 3 characters of filename?Batch file rename7813
1952008-06-20How to batch rename files by removing all letters and symbols in filename, only keep numbers?Batch file rename4456
1462008-05-22How to rename files by removing the characters between '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3863
722008-05-08How to batch rename files by removing the first 3 characters of each file name?Batch file rename7515

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