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14532020-05-08How to move and rename files from multiple folder with specified order?Batch file rename3040
13922017-04-14How to extract tables from many html files into one csv file?Text file parser3416
13602016-04-10How to copy/remove files to a folder named by first part of filename?Batch file rename3157
12972015-04-15How to duplicate a line and change midi to mp3 in many files?Replace text in multiple files3202
12852015-03-09How to rename files in batch download?Batch download3151
12622014-10-27How to download a list of image files and rename them?Batch download3744
12452014-09-08How to batch download UTF-8 files?Batch download3818
12152014-07-07How to batch download webpages with a gap of 10 seconds between two pages?Batch download3579
12062014-05-21How to download all jpg files from the second level webpages?Batch download3994
12032014-05-06How to move files to new folders which foldername is same as filename?Batch file rename3505
11892014-03-29How to merge files in all folders into one folder?Batch file rename4343
11682014-01-17How to batch download webpage as UTF-8 text file?Batch download3749
11492013-11-23How to extract all links that contain imprint from a webpage?Batch download3974
11332013-09-17How to create some copies of 2 files with specified names?Advanced search and replace3394
11122013-07-31How to copy all files under all sub-folders "sym" to common folder?Advanced search and replace3596
10222012-11-03How to download all the html articles from a website?Batch download5456
9162012-02-08How to copy one file to create multiple duplicate files?Advanced search and replace3548
8962011-12-15How to generate an html page that include download links of specified files?Text generator4866
8642011-09-30How to download multiple webpages with part of url as filename?Batch download4761
8492011-09-05How to search all jpg files in subfolders and copy to a new folder?Advanced search and replace4469
6662010-11-27How to download image files from a serial of html pages?Batch download4490
6552010-11-16How to extract titles from many html files into a txt file?Html text generator5050
5932010-08-19How to extract multiple webpages and save all text into text files?Batch download7514
4912010-04-28How to find out all files that contain all words of A, B and C?Advanced search and replace3517
4852010-04-22How to find out all files that contain both A and B and copy to a new folder?Advanced search and replace3365
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