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13932017-06-09How to do binary file search and replace with regular expression?Search replace binary2851
12942015-04-07How to generate a list from 00001 to FFFFF?Text generator2833
11792014-02-20How to generate Hex number groups, increasing start number in each group?Text generator3476
11772014-02-19How to generate hex number from 0101-7FFF, 0102-7FFF and so on?Text generator3582
11762014-02-19How to generate Hex Number from 0100 to FFFF?Text generator3628
10822013-05-24How to convert list of hexadecimal to binary ?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3635
7972011-06-11How to add a fixed number on all hexadecimal bytes?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3294
7842011-05-20How to convert the text from hex format to ascii format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3709
7822011-05-19How to convert asp code to corresponding hex bytes separated by comma?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3558
7802011-05-16How to translate the hex number to decimal number inside a text file?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3891
7582011-04-05How to generate hex numbers between DS007242 and DS009172?Text generator4148
7422011-03-21How to batch rename files replacing a hex epoch time with human translated time? Batch file rename3895
6952011-01-10How to convert the decimal IP address into binary format with 0 and 1?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4237
6462010-11-01How to generate 2 columns of HEX numbers which increased in different loop?Text generator3598
6452010-11-01How to generate multiple line text with increasing HEX number?Text generator3553
6442010-10-31How to combine 2 lists of numbers into 2 columns repeatly?Advanced search and replace3297
6432010-10-30How to generate HEX numbers from 270F to 0000 where 270F been the first? Text generator3707
6422010-10-29How to generate HEX numbers from 0000 to 270F with 270F been the highest? Text generator3292
6342010-10-20How to calculate md5 hex value of each line of text file?Text data calculation9507
4582010-03-25How to replace the specified text with increasing HEX strings?Advanced search and replace3712
3812010-01-03How to convert Hexidecimal IP addresses in text file into decimal format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3707
3802010-01-02How to convert IP addresses in text file into Hexidecimal format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4509
3592009-11-30How to change a hex text into decimal and apply a maths expression on it?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4322
3582009-11-28How to open a binary file and replace some bytes inside it?Search replace binary3891
2802008-10-13How to change text file with hexidecimal format into original binary file?Search replace binary9364
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