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14672024-01-11How to get content between a pair of nearest ab bc?Advanced search and replace1713
13322015-12-17How to compare and get the difference between numbers of two file?Text data calculation2916
12012014-05-02How to take words from first line and insert into text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3308
11972014-04-29How to take part of the first line and insert them in text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3458
11142013-08-12How to copy a line containing specified word and insert between line 1 and 2?Replace text in multiple files3433
9862012-08-08How to split each line of csv file into a single file with specified format?Text file splitter5149
9462012-05-17How to remove everything between the products and the last slash in each line?Regular expression replace4509
8292011-07-30How to replace strings in multiple files with a global increasing ID?Replace text in multiple files3637
5612010-07-09How to replace one part of html with corresponding part from another?Advanced search and replace3225
5542010-07-04How to parse all text between two words and put "@" between results?Text file parser2845
3442009-07-20How to extract/parse title from many html files and join together?Text file parser3752
3342009-05-20How to merge two text file base on the value of first column and do sort?Text merge4516
3212009-03-18How to search hundreds of xml files for a list of numbers, find out which file contains which number?Replace text in multiple files3762
2532008-08-19How to extract text enclosed by "body" tag from many html files and join together?Text file parser3841

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