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4552010-03-21How to generate a TREND column of Hodrick-Prescott Filter base on CLOSE value?Text data calculation2961
4382010-03-05How to generate an IP address list base on given subnet?Text generator5434
4202010-02-12How to convert numbers into scientific format with specified spacing?Advanced search and replace3313
4172010-02-09How to generate 200 random numbers in the range of 100 to 300?Random word generator4427
4132010-02-05How to generate a full list from 'aaa' to 'zzz' with random order?Random word generator4382
4112010-02-03How to generate consequence date from 2008-01-01 to 2009-12-31?Text generator3162
3622009-12-09How to batch rename files in different folders and move them to a common folder?Batch file rename4014
3522009-09-20How to batch replace 'old' to 'new' in many pdf files?Advanced search and replace3608
3472009-08-25How to batch rename files by adding random letters behind?Batch file rename4030
3452009-07-27How to batch rename files like 123123N-2(COPY).JPG to 123123-1.jpgBatch file rename3655
3242009-03-31How to create 1000 files from template.txt, change "ITEM1" to "ITEM1", ..."ITEM1000" for each file?Advanced search and replace3069
3232009-03-28How to batch replace 'old' to 'new' in many word doc files?Advanced search and replace2912
2862008-10-25How to list all specific terms that appearing in a text file?Advanced search and replace3504
2722008-09-24How to automatically generate all the date and time in a months by the interval of 30 minutes?Advanced search and replace2787
2522008-08-18How to rename all txt files in many folders with format of "folder_(file_id).txt"?Batch file rename3617
2392008-08-02How to replace all digits into a random digit, but keep other letters in a text file?Random word generator3165
1872008-06-12Is it possible to generate a full list of 'abcd','Abcd',... with each letter changed to uppercase or lowercase?Text generator3142
1862008-06-11How to automatically join many email address by ';' to generate a 'send to' list?Advanced search and replace3004
1822008-06-09How to extract all function names from a perl program?Text file parser3213
1732008-06-03How to eliminate consecutive return and spaces?Advanced search and replace3011
1492008-05-23How to split a file into many files by chapters, and use Chapter names as filenames?Text file splitter4313
1432008-05-21How to generate batch web address with id from 'AAAA' to 'ZZZZ'?Text generator3845
1362008-05-20How to generate an address sequence with id increased from 'aaa' to 'zzz'?Text generator3768
1002008-05-14How to re-organize following text and generate a new format dictionary?Advanced search and replace3040
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