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14582021-02-28How to rename hundreds of media files to their created date time?Batch file rename2479
7442011-03-24How to sort numbers by the order of distance from some number?Text sort3586
6922011-01-06How to sort a text/csv file by the date DD/MM/YYYY in second column?Text sort4308
6902011-01-04How to extract all odd columns 1,3,5,... from a text file?Text file parser3650
6122010-09-14How to reverse all the words in each line of a csv file?Advanced search and replace3696
4642010-04-01How to convert the date in a text file into GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)?Advanced search and replace3596
4622010-03-29How to change date format from 2010-03-25 to format like Mar-25-2010?Advanced search and replace3095
4172010-02-09How to generate 200 random numbers in the range of 100 to 300?Random word generator4617
4132010-02-05How to generate a full list from 'aaa' to 'zzz' with random order?Random word generator4549
4102010-02-02How to add random digit/chars at the end of each line?Random word generator7268
4062010-01-29How to sort all the lines of a text file randomly?Random word generator4609
4052010-01-27How to replace all the password field in text file with random chars?Random word generator3299
3192009-02-17Is there a good document to describe usage of system variables, functions and macros?Advanced search and replace2921
2142008-07-06How to add 15 days on all date(YYYY-MM-DD) in a text file?Advanced search and replace2886
1972008-06-22How to convert all date from format 2008-06-22 to format of 20080622?Advanced search and replace3732
1872008-06-12Is it possible to generate a full list of 'abcd','Abcd',... with each letter changed to uppercase or lowercase?Text generator3335
1432008-05-21How to generate batch web address with id from 'AAAA' to 'ZZZZ'?Text generator4065
1362008-05-20How to generate an address sequence with id increased from 'aaa' to 'zzz'?Text generator3950
1262008-05-18How to generate a random binary sequence matrix?Random word generator4957

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