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14702024-03-16Convert normal characters to html entity nameAdvanced search and replace1846
14582021-02-28How to rename hundreds of media files to their created date time?Batch file rename2469
14572021-02-28How to change JPG files to the name of its creation time?Batch file rename1739
12692014-12-08How to apply my own shuffle algrithm on multiple files?Replace text in multiple files2851
12442014-09-06How to batch calculate numbers and make the result divisible by 5?Text data calculation3379
12112014-07-02How to find maximum and minimum number out of specified column?Advanced search and replace2963
11912014-04-03How to make search and replace only in specified lines in text file?Advanced search and replace3178
9722012-07-19How to replace all accentued letter with the one without accent? Advanced search and replace2979
9062012-01-25How to search and replace text for specified occurrences with reg exp?Regular expression replace3611
8642011-09-30How to download multiple webpages with part of url as filename?Batch download4767
8622011-09-27How to remove all the lines appeared in file B,C,D from file A?Replace text in multiple files3448
8552011-09-15How to extract the address of hyperlink whose anchor text contains "about"?Text file parser3067
8262011-07-27How to sort all the lines by the order of date with format day-month-year?Text sort3921
8002011-06-16How to extract all function name and sub name from VBA script file?Text file parser3678
7992011-06-13How to add one line after Sub or Function in the VBA Text File?Advanced search and replace2702
7772011-05-10How to extract the first 10 and last 10 characters from each line?Text file parser4118
7482011-03-26How to delete all lines appear in file B from file A?Advanced search and replace3693
7442011-03-24How to sort numbers by the order of distance from some number?Text sort3578
6922011-01-06How to sort a text/csv file by the date DD/MM/YYYY in second column?Text sort4302
6902011-01-04How to extract all odd columns 1,3,5,... from a text file?Text file parser3643
6892011-01-03How to sort a text file by the length of text in each line?Text sort5451
6432010-10-30How to generate HEX numbers from 270F to 0000 where 270F been the first? Text generator3715
6272010-10-11How to remove all lines in file b.txt that appearred in a.txt?Text file parser3902
6192010-09-24How to convert multiple files from one encoding to another with online tool?Character encoding9721
6122010-09-14How to reverse all the words in each line of a csv file?Advanced search and replace3688
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