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13272015-12-01How to set column N according to some words in column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2846
13252015-11-18How to set column N according to content of column A in csv file?Advanced search and replace2773
13092015-07-01How to randomly replace each word with a list of pre-defined words?Random word generator3139
12672014-12-07How to find all commas in between text tag and replace with br tag?Advanced search and replace2448
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2693
12072014-05-27How to remove words found in the dictionary from the Title Tag?Advanced search and replace3152
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3840
11722014-02-11How to replace vowel-consonant-vowel groupings with specified format?Advanced search and replace2978
11142013-08-12How to copy a line containing specified word and insert between line 1 and 2?Replace text in multiple files3475
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3936
9702012-07-12How to search/replace multiple text files base on rules from csv file?Replace text in multiple files5082
9242012-02-27How to find out the maximum value in each line for multiple csv file?Replace text in multiple files4288
9142012-02-06How to remove duplicate lines in multiple files in different sub-folders?Replace text in multiple files5257
8312011-08-01How to extract and join text from multiple files with user defined format?Text file parser3802
8302011-08-01How to search and replace in multiple files base on user-defined mapping file?Replace text in multiple files3676
8292011-07-30How to replace strings in multiple files with a global increasing ID?Replace text in multiple files3669
7832011-05-19How to replace a number with another number in same text file?Regular expression replace3582
6032010-09-01How to findout all lines that contain specified words in multiple files?Text file parser4375
5852010-08-10How to find the 5 largest number from a text file automatically?Advanced search and replace3726
3942010-01-15How can I make a series of replacements in an automated fashion?Replace text in multiple files3396
3662009-12-13How to replace all the old web address of Favoriates links?Replace text in multiple files3000
3212009-03-18How to search hundreds of xml files for a list of numbers, find out which file contains which number?Replace text in multiple files3790

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