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14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2245
12852015-03-09How to rename files in batch download?Batch download2965
12802015-02-16How to batch rename files to the specified pattern found in file content?Batch file rename3437
12532014-09-28How to batch rename files by repositioning numbers?Batch file rename3257
12042014-05-11How to batch rename html files to specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename3428
11422013-10-24How to rename files by removing all leading numbers?Batch file rename3418
11412013-10-11How to batch rename files by removing all trailing numbers?Batch file rename3574
11332013-09-17How to create some copies of 2 files with specified names?Advanced search and replace3215
11112013-07-29How to remove everything before first space in filename?Batch file rename4678
10992013-07-09How to move all files whose names are ended with numbers to another folder?Batch file rename3441
9942012-08-20How to rename mp3 files by exchanging artist and name part?Batch file rename3487
9912012-08-14How to merge all files, and split into specified number of files evenly?Text merge3602
9852012-08-04How to make multiple copies of a file and rename them from a list?Batch file rename5500
9582012-06-10How to batch rename PDF files with the date inside the file?Batch file rename4784
9412012-04-28How to batch rename files by changing specified part separated by dash?Batch file rename3633
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4438
9272012-03-15How to batch rename files by appending the number of lines at the end?Batch file rename4009
9202012-02-13How to add 0 before all 4 digit numbers in multiple filenames?Batch file rename4500
9182012-02-12How to batch rename files from file content after Title and Author?Batch file rename3984
8932011-12-03How to count the number of words that started with "en"?Count and statistics3299
8842011-11-09How to batch rename files from month name to month number?Batch file rename4771
8232011-07-20How to count the number of words with different length in an English article?Count and statistics2868
8212011-07-14How to copy a file 100 times with different name from 1.txt to 100.txt?Text generator5257
7812011-05-18How to extract all lines with numbers from many text files?Text file parser3787
7062011-01-26How to batch rename files by keeping only the numbers at the end?Batch file rename3885
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