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11922014-04-07How to extract lines that matching the list of russian speaking names?Text file parser3043
11492013-11-23How to extract all links that contain imprint from a webpage?Batch download3891
10612013-03-06How to extract text between specified start and end strings?Text file parser3771
9562012-06-03How to extract text after last comma in a string in htmlx file?Text file parser3861
9432012-05-02How to extract all blocks that contain specified strings like "A"?Text file parser3638
8502011-09-06How to extract company name ended with "co ltd" from many website?Text file parser3275
4982010-05-05How to batch extract ascii text from multiple binary files, such as exe files?Text file parser4883
4392010-03-06How to extract all telephone numbers from a text file?Text file parser3776

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